Video Editing:
Typically, the process goes something like this:
We have a conversation about what you would like the final video to look like. Different clients have different levels of involvement based on their ideas. I'm happy to have you as involved or hands-off as you'd like to be. My job is to bring your vision to life and make this project as easy for you as possible.
After the initial conversation, I create the video via your specifications and requests.
I send you the video to review.
You let me know if you'd like me to make any changes.
(We can repeat this process a couple of times if need be.)
I send you the revised video for a final review.
$50/hr Fixed price negotiable
YouTube Channel Management:
Some clients have me contribute to or manage their YouTube channels. If you'd like me to upload the video to your YouTube channel, I can do that as well as add the description, key words, end screen, cards, etc.
I walk you through how to add me as a "contributor" to your channel. I'll be able to do everything described above, but you'll have ultimate control of the channel.
I am extremely flexible to your needs.
$50/hr Fixed price negotiable
I'll create a fantastic newsletter for you based on your needs and frequency. Check out this example from New World Maps: newsletter.
$35/hr Fixed price negotiable